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and learn more about their story

Initially, I started to think about and paint series to enhance the cohesion and harmony of my paintings. It is still challenging to repeat the same color palette up to five times, but it gets easier. My biggest accomplishment from working in a series is the intensity and exploration of one topic. It feels like I have more pages to tell a story.

Working in oil painting series vs. in singles

An oil painting takes time - time for planning, time for painting, and time to dry.

Painting one single canvas might feel liberating. In a way, I might finish sooner and get rewarded in whatever sense earlier. It is just one painting at the end of the day. A single painting might push me to take more risks and try new materials or techniques. If I f**k it up, it is only one canvas, and I can start another painting. I might choose a bigger canvas to tell the narrative because it needs more space to exist. Single paintings have their advantages.

That is how I started my oil painting journey.

As a person, I like to experiment. I have more ideas swirling in my head as juggler balancing balls. Following every idea, and trying different techniques makes me the artist I am, but it has a price on the coherence of my paintings. In 2021 I began painting in series.

Small series (3-5 items) do not overwhelm me. I don't have thoughts like: "Ten more paintings in the same style, how boring!". This process challenged me to commit to a definite style for at least three paintings. Moreover, I learned that my style gets "closer" without becoming monotone. And the best part about working in a series is the in-depth exploration of a chosen topic. And the possibility of lighting it from different directions. I can add as many canvases as I like.

It feels as if my horizon got a little bit wider.

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